What to pack to keep up with trends


Visual marketing content is creating more intimate, authentic connections between brands and consumers. This content fills a void in the age of social distancing, which is a big reason why 91% of marketers believe video is more important for brands amid the pandemic.

Let’s take a look at some outstanding videos and image content below:

1. Authentic content and stories drive viewer engagement

Consumers always want to see the people behind the brand. To convey this intention, you can use the following content:

  • The director is discussing the company’s origins
  • Blog posts describe the process by which producers make products

Use tools like Stories, Reels, Short Videos to introduce this aspect of your brand.

Today, viewers no longer need to enjoy familiar product images or advertising models, instead they want to know something more honest about the brand. Instead of using gimmicks and sales pitches to highlight your brand, talk directly to consumers

Be open and don’t be afraid to share your brand’s perspective

2. Convert your ideas into graphic presentations

Converting your listings into graphics adds the benefit of generating interest while breaking up relevant information throughout the content so customers are more likely to skim it. and still know what you’re talking about.

Our brains can process images; In fact, images are processed 60,000 times faster by the human brain than text.

Engage and increase visitors’ time on site with more content types including visual graphics recreated from your written content.

3. Optimize images with brand recognition on Google Images

Creating your own data and reports not only increases your brand’s reputation in the market but also opens the door to other links.

If you properly optimize every image you upload, they can all appear in Google Search and Images. They can also be found by publishers, who may choose and link to you.

For example, let’s say you have a podcast. If you optimize each podcast episode with corresponding website content including graphics and images, your podcast can show up in Google Images. And people searching for postcards can see your content at any time.

4. Livestream video content (livestream)

Audiences will “turn away” if your content is edited too many times and is not authentic. The same is true for live videos versus pre-recorded videos.

Live streaming has an immediate feel that makes audiences feel more connected because events are happening in real time, especially with the rise of virtual events. Users can often post comments and interact directly with the server(s), further increasing engagement.

With those advantages, it’s no surprise that live videos often earn twice the engagement of pre-recorded videos.

5. Interactive content like a game

This type of engaging content is especially popular in social media stories, but it’s not limited to Instagram and Facebook.

The essential function of this visual content is to challenge your audience to engage directly, whether it’s rating their favorite outfits, taking an online quiz, playing “this or that,” participating Participate in bingo, participate in “choose your own adventure” posts, or many other options. In essence, you are inviting your audience to share their opinions or play some kind of “game” with you.

6. TikTok style video

With a maximum standard TikTok video length of one minute, the content must be quick and to the point while still entertaining. In January 2021, Tik Tok was the second most installed non-game app with nearly 62 million downloads that month alone. Other social media platforms are jumping on this popular trend.

What makes this type of visual content interesting?

Most of these videos are fun, quirky, and don’t focus too much on visuals. They interact with the audience and get their point of view quickly.

7. Visual content related to shopping

Buying products directly from social networks was once a novel concept, but it is quickly becoming the norm. In 2020, 18.3% of Facebook users made a purchase directly on the platform.

Social media channels have picked up on this trend by offering business tools like shopping stickers and product tags.

Visual content related to shopping isn’t limited to social media so companies are getting creative and adding direct store links to digital catalogs, blog posts and elsewhere. What else could a link go to?

8. Content is not permanent

Content is temporarily accessible, usually for a period of 24 hours, before it disappears. If you are familiar with the Story function on Snapchat and Instagram/Facebook, you are already familiar with this type of content.

Because this content is so short, it creates a sense of urgency that makes people watch. It’s especially great for showcasing user-generated content (UGC) without having to worry about matching your brand’s aesthetic because it won’t be on screen permanently.

Instagram has reported that 58% of people become more interested in a brand or product after seeing it featured in Stories, so there’s something to be said for the power of ephemeral content, especially is when it can create trade possibilities.

9. Motion and Gif

This type of visual content has been popular for a while and is likely to continue to be popular.

Gifs and animations can be used in a variety of ways, such as showing a step in a tutorial post, editing an image, or adding a bit of fun or appeal to your content.

10. 360 images

Audiences enjoy viewing a location and have control over what they see by changing the view with the slide of a finger or dragging the mouse, instantly making flat content much more engaging by arousing curiosity.

From an e-commerce standpoint, products can be displayed from any angle to help consumers better understand what they are buying and enhance the overall online shopping experience.


Visual content is changing the way consumers interact with brands

  • Authenticity.
  • Interact
  • Reliability.

This is what modern consumers are looking for. Visual content across all platforms and channels is evolving to meet those needs and changing the way audiences perceive and interact with brands.



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