Being a Youtuber: Is it difficult and how to start?


Social networks are developing, along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,…, Youtube is also gradually opening new doors for any user who wants to make money from content creation. Therefore, it is not difficult to understand that more and more young people are pursuing the profession of Youtuber. So is being a Youtuber difficult? How to be a successful Youtuber? Let’s find out with Langmaster through the following article!

I/ What is the profession of a YouTuber?

In recent years, the trend of young people working as freelancers has been increasing because they do not want to be tied down in a stable environment. Instead, young people often look for new opportunities, try their hand in a new field and work in a free environment to unleash their creativity. One of the professions most chosen by young people is YouTuber.

To put it simply, Youtubers are people who create content by posting videos on Youtube. When you go to Youtube, you will see many channels, right? And the people who manage and post videos to those channels are Youtubers.

Some influential Youtubers and Channels in Vietnam are:

  • Giang Oi
  • Dear Friend
  • Hana’s Lexis
  • Ngoc Trinh
  • Ms. Tan Vlog…

Youtubers are content creators on Youtube

II/ Development opportunities for Youtuber profession

Currently, the development of social networks makes YouTuber gradually become a profession chosen by many young people, especially those who are passionate about content creation. In the future, this profession is forecast to grow even stronger, especially in the age of technology 4.0 and everyone spends time watching YouTube every day.

Besides, with more than 8 million registrations each month, Youtube is gradually becoming a fertile land for you to unleash your creativity and share knowledge and life perspectives about your favorite field. As long as you have good content, a unique and novel way of conveying it, and a clear publishing and communication plan, you can earn huge profits from being a Youtuber.

In particular, this is an industry that responds to all the constant changes in the world. If you take the time to exploit and invest in video content, you will never have to worry about money and unemployment. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Youtuber – a seemingly unstable profession, is incredibly stable as people’s entertainment needs increase and life develops.

III/Popular ways to make money from Youtube

1. Become a partner of Youtube

This is the most popular way to make money from Youtube among Youtubers. You will become a YouTube partner when your channel is allowed to enable monetization. At this point, your videos will display ads. The amount of money earned mainly depends on the viewer’s clicks on the ad. Once you earn a certain amount ($100), the money will be transferred to your bank.

Make money from becoming a YouTube partner

2. Make money from business services and sales

Along with Facebook, Instagram,…, Youtube is a fertile land for business and sales of shop owners, company owners,… Using and promoting PR and marketing on Youtube is also a effective communication plan. You can set up a Youtube channel to advertise products and earn profits. A very smart way to get rich, right?

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3. Make money from advertising

When watching a video, sometimes you come across an ad embedded in it, right? That’s another way to make money from Youtube! However, to do this, you first need to build your channel brand so that many people know about your Channel and watch your videos. At this time, brands will contact you to advertise products on your channel. The profits from this way of making money are huge, sometimes up to hundreds of millions of dong.

In addition, you can also make money on Youtube by calling on people to support your channel through a website or donation application,…

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IV/ 3 secrets to being a successful Youtuber

1. Creative

Creativity is the factor that makes you different from thousands of other Youtubers. If you are determined to be a YouTuber long term, you need to spend time, energy and intelligence to invest in content and how to convey it. For example, if your video is about a familiar topic or content, think about how to convey it from your own perspective. Using all your creativity in the working process, “Think Outside The Box” you will produce videos with quality content, new and attractive to viewers.

Creativity is the first secret to becoming an influential Youtuber

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2. Invest

The investment here is not only in terms of content and communication, but also in the quality of sound, images, recording equipment, etc. All of these jobs require you to be honest. Meticulous and careful to produce a quality video. You will not be able to stay in this Youtuber profession for long if you only spend 15 minutes on a video and only record it with your phone. Therefore, invest time in the steps if you want to receive worthy results.



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